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A skilfully prepared video script is the foundation stone of a polished and professional looking video. It is an essential, therefore, that, as part of a video production, a professional video company is able to handle every stage of the scripting process. The scripting of a video comes in four main stages, from inception to completion, and these are:

  1. the writing of the original script
  2. the storyboarding
  3. the production phase
  4. the post production process

In this article we look at how each of these stages combine to enable a professional video producer to create a video that says just what you want to say in the way you want it to be said!

Writing the Script

This is the foundation of the message that the video is intended to deliver and it is therefore essential that it accurately reflects it. A clear understanding between the video production company and any stakeholder at the outset will avoid future conflicts arising. The types of question that should be addressed in the scriptwriting process are:

  • What is the intended audience?
  • How and where is the video to be published?
  • What is the perceived aim of producing the video?
  • What is the proposed length of the video?

These, and any other matters that are considered relevant, might be included in a simple questionnaire, the results of which can form an agreed script template. Once this template has been agreed we can work on writing the first draft of the script. we now have the foundation for the video.

The Storyboard

Writing a storyboard for a video, based on the agreed script, will result in greater production efficiency, cost savings and enhanced levels of collaboration both amongst the team and with the stakeholders. In simple terms, storyboarding is the writing of a blueprint, in the shape of a set of sequential, graphic drawings, which forms a template for how the video will take shape. In other words, we will write and draw a graphic illustration of how the final production will look.

The Production Phase

During production, the viability of the script and the storyboard can be put to the test. It is during this stage that issues such as the need to reduce longer paragraphs in the script to shorter ones or the need to use an autocue if that is not feasible, can be discussed and the script (and possibly the storyboard) amended accordingly.

The Post Production Process

The completion of the production should be followed by a post-production process, which amongst other things, should involve an analysis of whether the spoken words accurately reflect the original aims of the video or, alternatively, whether organic changes that have arisen during the production process could be better reflected. In those circumstances we are able to seamlessly incorporate any necessary/required amendments to the script into the production.

The scripting of a video production is not the most exciting part of the process when compared to the visual and filming aspects of the project. However, as mentioned above, it is the bedrock of every successful video production and there are few Video Production Companies that do it as well as Tallboy.