If you’ve been considering developing a corporate video for your business, you just might have come across the two concepts of advertising and marketing. If you were slightly confused and thought these were interchangeable, then you are part of a large club.
The truth is that video advertising and video marketing are different and knowing this can help you plan your corporate video better and get a more effective end product. With so much online communication available nowadays, the line between the two has become blurred. So here’s a quick heads up on the main difference:
- Video marketing is anything you put on your website, use in social media exchanges and pin to landing pages or send via email which is intended to engage or educate. It’s about adding value to your product or service rather than sending out a particular message.
- Video advertising uses a much more nuanced approach to send out a targeted message to viewers across all areas. For instance, it doesn’t appear on your site but can be put at the beginning of YouTube videos depending on certain demographics. It’s about raising awareness not providing value added extras.
The increase in availability of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets means that we are able to watch videos on the move, anywhere in the world there is a Wi-Fi connection. That has made video marketing into a powerful tool that can reach a lot of people. More and more marketing professionals think that online ads are now far outperforming those on TV precisely because we can view them anywhere.
A Strategy for Video Marketing
If you want to build authority or get people to connect with your brand in much deeper ways, then video marketing can help you deliver that. Your strategy will have to be connected to your product or service in some way. For instance, if you provide plastering tools, your video marketing might well be to teach people how to plaster better with some help from a local expert talking viewers through the basic technique. The connection with your brand would be how you at the same time highlight that you have the best tools available to do the job. You’re adding value to your brand without actually pushing product (you are, but in subtler way).
A Strategy for Advertising Marketing
Advertising is promoting awareness. Let’s say you sell sporting equipment and you want to do a new promotion on your latest selection of high quality cricket bats. Your ad is going to say why these are so great but the key to success is going to get that message in front of the right people. You might target people of a certain age who are interested in sport and you might want your ad appearing before online cricketing blogs or clip shows that have a high number of visitors. If you have the finances you might even sponsor a major cricketing event.
Knowing what you want your video to achieve is important. If you are looking to build authority and brand acceptance, advertising is not going to help you achieve this to any great extent. Video marketing can help you sell a product but it doesn’t have the focus and demographic power that advertising does. Choosing the right approach will not only help you plan your video effectively it will also give you a more powerful end product.