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Predict Ability Limited (PAL) is the result of a two year collaboration between an award-winning Earth Scientist, a Chemical Engineer and a Financial IT Consultant. The company has developed an algorithm that cross references intricate insurance data to predict severe floods, droughts and hurricanes.

Predict Ability Limited (PAL) is the result of a two year collaboration between an award-winning Earth Scientist, a Chemical Engineer and a Financial IT Consultant. The company has developed an algorithm that cross references intricate insurance data to predict severe floods, droughts and hurricanes.

The brief:

PAL Ltd were looking for two video that would

  1.  Explain how they use their algorithm to predict natural disasters
  2.  Demonstrate the app and its key benefits

The software tools were targeted at insurance companies to assist in their disaster planning and mitigation.

Aimed at top level insurance industry CEOs, specialist journalists, and hedge fund managers the objectives of the video were threefold.

  • To bring attention to their research and the raise of climate change
  • Show how insurers can save money with their natural disaster predictions
  • To attract potential buyers for the company and its app

The videos were produced within a week as the founders wanted to launch their new website ion time for the climate change talks in Paris. You can watch them below or you can view them here

The approach:

The initial time was spent with the founders of the company to get their message right. Their research is complicated and to produce a 90 second video the message had to be simplified but not dumbed down. On camera presentation training was given to get their message across in a succinct way.

We decided to film the founders of PAL in a green screen studio. We combined footage of disasters such as floods, droughts and hurricanes with the interview clips. We recreated their analytics and data in the form of on-screen graphics to give gravitas to the message.

Music was added to build engagement and to heighten emotional appeal. The video content is very technical and it was important to use industry specific vocabulary, in the correct way for the film to have sufficient credibility. The script was written in stand-alone quotable sections and delivered to camera in sound bites for increased impact.