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Your video content is an asset, and I often see a video only being used for one purpose and then consigned to the ether of the internet never to be watched again. With a bit of updating and editing a video can be repurposed, which maximises the return of investment on it.

For Day 18 of my video challenge, I have re-edited a video I made at my video company Tallboy Communications, and colleague Ryan Say. So watch to see how playing Jenga fits in with video storytelling. It is all a bit of fun.

Your story is multi-faceted. Yes, there is a beginning and probably an end – but how you start and when you finish is just one aspect of the story. Who’s going to listen to your tale? What sort of language will you use that gets the essence of what you are trying to say across? We build it piece by piece – like a game of Jenga.