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Lockdown is difficult, not least for the UK’s thousands of business owners. If you are currently wondering how you can improve your marketing during this challenging period, it might just be the right time to take a new look at your brand videos.

More people than ever are being influenced by video, especially before they actually buy a product or hire a service. As customers, we can view video while on the move, using our tablets and smartphones as well as laptops and desktops at home.

It’s no surprise therefore that this type of content has become a staple of the marketing mix in recent years. Here we take a closer look at how video content can make a huge difference to engagement with your brand.

  1. What Do You Want to Achieve?

It’s the case with any marketing activity that you need to be sure of its purpose.

  • Why are you producing this video and what do you want to achieve?
  • Do you want to raise brand awareness?
  • Do you want to sell a product or service?

Perhaps you want to show how customers have benefited from your product. Or you might want to engage your audience by encouraging them to create user-generated content.

Nailing down the purpose of your brand videos not only keeps you on track it gives you the structure to work from and hone your marketing message to perfection.

  1. What Does Your Audience Want?

It’s not all about you, either. It’s important to deliver the kind of content that your audience is looking for. For example, if you are producing branded how-to guides, you need to understand what challenges your customers may have or how you can help them get the best out of your product.

This all depends on you knowing who your audience is and the type of content that they really do appreciate.

  1. Is Your Content On-Brand?

Video can be the easiest type of marketing content for brand guidelines to be simply thrown out of the window. There are several things you need to keep reasonably tight control of.

You should, for instance, ensure that your video matches the tone and feel of your other marketing material. You’ll want to include your brand colours and logo as a bare minimum and make sure that any voice over speaks in your brand voice.

  1. Have You Edited Well?

Most of the magic, at least a large part of it, when it comes to brand videos is in the editing. You may have some of the best shots and content on the planet but if it’s all put together in the wrong way it can seriously damage your marketing message.

One of the key factors to look at when you review your brand videos is how they are put together. Try to see the content from your audience’s point of view and ask questions about how it can be done better. For instance, does your video have a powerful opening that grabs the viewer’s attention? Is it too long or too short? Is it focused and appropriate for your audience?

These are certainly challenging times but now is a great opportunity to review your brand videos and develop a strategy for not only improving them but for creating more engaging content in the future. Talk to the experienced team at Tallboy to get the advice and expertise you need to revamp your brand ready to restart your business.