+44 (0)20 3672 3714 contact@tallboy.co.uk

Today I am announcing a challenge that I am undertaking. Posting a video a day for 30 days starting 1st June. Videos that I am going to shoot and edit myself to see what works and doesn’t work. So please join me on my video challenge journey.

On my walk today in Richmond Park,  I wanna talk about consistency, particularly when it comes to marketing and making videos. And I understand as a business owner, you’re busy busy growing the businesses, doing sales, serving client, it’s hard to be consistent with marketing. I know that I’m in the same situation. I have a small business. I’m concentrating on sales and serving my clients and when it comes to marketing, often I sort of put that on the nice to-do list but don’t get around to doing much about it. Until recently, I actually was in my Instagram feed and I saw an add about a video challenge, a video marketing challenge by a guy called Peng Joon, he was based in Malaysia. And I thought, oh that’s interesting. So I decided, why not. Why don’t I try that and practised what I preach. Which is, I’m always talking to my clients about creating more video content. So I’ve just completed the 21-day video challenge and it was good, I really enjoyed making the content. I’m not so sure about talking to the camera. That’s something that I’m still trying to get used to. But, as business owners, we have a message that we need to get to our audience and if we want to grow our business then we should be looking at becoming more consistent with marketing and particularly with video.

From the 1st ofJune, I’m gonna post a video a day across all my social media channels and to add to what I’ve already done. So I’ve already shot some, but I need to add to them. So if you’ve got any questions about video production, strategy, distribution or marketing, drop me a comment and I’ll make a video about it. But, I will include a couple of lives in that ’cause I’ve actually done a stlive. And I will post a video a day for 30 days starting the first of June. So hopefully you will join me on my journey on my video challenge and I’ll send you some more information, but later, about where you can see these videos.