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One of the great things about our digital world is that, if you want to learn how to do something, you can easily go online and find a video or crib sheet. Whether that’s changing the ignition coils on your car, learning how to put up wallpaper or even building a new skill set in the office, someone, somewhere has made a video of it.

Video Production London

As a species we’re better at learning when we have visual cues compared to when we just have written material. Education often works better through video even if you are simply presenting a recording of a lecture or webinar. We react to it in a different way.

Getting it right, of course, requires a good of thought and preparation. You might be using educational videos for your organisation to update staff or perhaps you’ve decided to start your own business and are creating online courses to provide a revenue stream.

Here’s our quick list of things you need to produce inspiring educational videos that really hit the mark:

  1. Does the Content Fit a Video Format?

While a lot of education really does suit this media, you want to be sure that this is the best way to deliver your lesson. That means clearly defining what your video is intended to accomplish. For example, you may want to:

  • Publish new information for your employees.
  • Support a specific aspect of learning.
  • Help a group get through an examination.
  • Demonstrate how your product works.

All these have their place but understanding what your point is and setting it down in stone is important if you want to have a successful educational video.

  1. Develop Your Story

Once you have your reason for the video, you can head into the world of filmmakers and create your very own story board. This is how your short film is going to progress from scene to scene. It should basically split your video into smaller segments, each of which has a purpose:

  • The point of the section.
  • What you want to say.
  • Who is saying what it.
  • What elements you are going to use (for example, live action or animation).

Think of it basically as a truncated script without the actual words that are going to be spoken. You can work on that later.

  1. Don’t Say Too Much

With video, less is more, so the last thing you want to do is overload your viewer with way too much information. It makes the learning difficult to digest and can also impact on how entertaining your segment is (and how long people watch it for).

  • If a section looks too complicated, break it down into smaller steps.
  • Try to avoid adding additional information that doesn’t fit the central purpose.
  • Think visual more than what is being said. If it can be said with a graph, for example, all the better.
  • Unless you’re in a specific industry, try to avoid unnecessary jargon or over complicated words and sentences.
  1. Engage, Engage, Engage

You want to make your video educational AND entertaining. That doesn’t mean you have to include dancing clowns, but you do want to provide something that is memorable and inspiring. Throwing too much in the way of graphics can cause overload. Being nervous in front of the camera can make people loose interest or feel your pain rather than listen to what you are saying. The more engaging you can be, the better response you are likely to get, and the more people are going to learn.

  1. Quality Creative Team

Once you have your material and a concept you need a team to put it together, the TallBoy team having been making videos for decades and have both the experience and the equipment to create the right educational video for your needs.