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It’s a fact: a lot of offices look alike. They are often beige, they usually have desks and chairs and sometimes there is a water cooler.  Occasionally, walls are accented with a splash of green or blue and sometimes the company vision appears framed or painted on the wall. To make a corporate video look exciting, it’s important to look beyond the office.

Filming an interview or a statement to camera whole on location can give the corporate video new life. There’s colour and vibrancy from a location; a street has a different feel from an office – and even changing the location to the company’s foyer or canteen can add another sort of vitality to the finished product.

Day 11 The View from the Street from Tallboy Communications on Vimeo.

There are challenges: the weather always likes to be mischievous, throwing in wind and torrential rain.  Even bright sunlight can hinder a shoot. People walking by are always fascinated by the filming process. They either want to stand and stare or actively participate by waving or even mooning at the camera.

Sound too becomes super important if using a location. It might look good, but we do need to hear the interviewee above the traffic noise or howling wind. But bring all the elements together and you have a stunning technique.

See for yourself: The view from the Street

Day 10: The Moving View

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