Most businesses use a range of strategies to communicate internally with staff. This can include calling individuals by phone, sending texts, using social media, or writing monthly newsletters and email updates. One of the most valuable and engaging tools that you should be using, however, is video.

Why? According to the research, it’s the easiest way to humanise communications. In addition, staff are more likely to watch a video than read something written down like a newsletter.

Written Vs Video Content

We can sometimes lose meaning when we write something down. It can appear dry or even confusing if we don’t’ get the words right. Most of all it can appear dispassionate. If you have something important to say, then video can mean the difference between your words being taken on board or being ignored completely.

When people say they didn’t ‘get that memo’ what they generally mean is they didn’t take the time to read it. Video works on a deeper, human level and people are likelier to watch it than read. Video can convey an emotional message and can hold the attention, particularly when it’s professionally produced and delivered by someone who is a good communicator.

It also connects staff, who often sit in remote places nowadays, to the people who are at the helm of the business. In large corporations, they’re beginning to communicate in this way more and more. Some staff have never met the CEO and so video allows for that unique and personal connection. Done well, however, it can lead to better engagement with ideas and create a bond between all members of the business, whatever their role or location.

That doesn’t mean written content is a thing of the past. But, for those really important messages, video is a powerful medium that shouldn’t be ignored.

Retaining Information

There’s also another factor that makes video attractive. We are visual animals and we tend to retain more when we have that kind of content. People engage with video differently and will sit and listen. With written information they all too often scan quickly and can miss the central or important message. The latest evidence shows that we retain more if we have audio and visual information as opposed to just written. Video also reduces the potential for confusion between different members of staff and, what’s more, it’s quicker to digest than written information.

  • You can introduce variety into your video messages including animations that make the content interesting and engaging.
  • With so many of us now owning mobile phones, the good news is that video content can be viewed almost anywhere.
  • That means you can get your message out to remote employees or those who are out on sales drives or even on holiday.
  • You can also ensure that all staff receive the same message at the same time.
  • Finally, you can track who’s watched your video and how much they viewed, so you can understand if your message is getting across.

Video can be used for a wide range of communications. It could be something about an up-coming product launch or a little system training that everyone needs to get up to speed with. It can even be a simple message at a certain time of year to thank everyone for their efforts.

The next time you’re planning communications with your staff, it might be a good idea to see how swapping to video could make a big difference.