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YouTube is an essential part of the social media tool kit. It can boost your brand and push your website up Google’s rankings. Are you using it effectively?

Your website is an essential investment and vital to represent your business across the world, and while your YouTube channel is free – it is also just as important to leave a lasting impression!

To maximise the potential of your YouTube channel, think about the following:

1. Understand your audience Place yourself in the shoes of the audience you want to reach – what would you watch? If you are a company that makes a product, what does a potential customer gain by watching a video? The video should show what is in it for them.

2. Show what you sell. Videos allow you to demonstrate what your products and services actually achieve. Let potential customers see for themselves. Show your satisfied customers speaking about their experiences. Video testimonials are one of your most powerful marketing tools – and actually hearing and seeing your customers enthuse about what you do makes compelling viewing – video conveys emotion.

3. Videos allow you to sell your personality People buy from people. In a YouTube video, let your personality shine through. The most potent videos are where you are talking about why you feel what you do matters. Viewers will engage with your passion.

4. Customer/product support. Product support is an essential part of good customer service. A video can demonstrate how that service or product can be used. More and more people turn to video to find out how to do something – try answering any frequently asked questions by using a friendly and familiar face on video.

5. Give out tips Do your potential customers a favour with videoed tips of the trade. In time they’ll be grateful and want to buy from you. Educate your clients and customers!

6. Less is more A video has to be short and to the point. Research shows the majority of people watch for less than 3 minutes. Think about the last time you watched video on the Internet – when did your attention wane? So if you have a lot to say, think about making a series of videos rather than one long one.

7. Know your style The way your video is produced – the style – says a lot about your company. Think about the image you want to convey to your audience. Is your business flamboyant or is it restrained? Does your customer expect a friendly, relaxed feel to the video or a more formal, corporate one?

8. Put it on your home page Your YouTube video is a great way of attracting attention – go further. Put Google Analytics on the video and you can find out who’s watched it, for how long and how many times. You can even find out what country they watched it in, their age brackets, their gender… even if they watched on a computer or a mobile device. Think what you can do with that knowledge when it comes to target marketing. Google likes You Tube! Videos linked to your website will help boost your SEO and your website will gain more prominence. There is so much more you can do with your videos on YouTube, please give us a call at Tallboy a call to see how we can help you produce and optimise your videos on the second biggest search engine after Google.